26 Feb 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,
On Monday 28 February, restrictions will ease and schools will move into COVID-smart ways of operating. These are our new guidelines.
Gate usage will remain the same to ensure the safety of all students. Red gate will be strictly for K-6 students who walk to and from school (no car drop off or pick up on Gabriels Lane). Green gate is for the K-6 students who walk or are driven to school.
Gates will be unlocked at 8:30am. Under our COVID-smart plan, we have two kiss-and-drop zones for parents/carers accompanying their children into school grounds. Please wish them well when you get to this area and let them continue to the teacher on duty.
- Red gate: kiss-and-drop zone is in front of the library
- Green gate: kiss-and-drop zone is on the basketball court
Red and green gates will be locked at 9:00am. Late arrivals need to go to red gate and buzz.
Parents/carers and students can order at the canteen in the morning before 8:55am. The canteen will be open for over the counter purchasing in the first half of recess and first half of lunch.
Preschool – orange gate and parking on Gabriels Lane in the mornings and afternoons
Preschool parents/carers are the only families that can park on Gabriels Lane and access orange gate because they need to walk in and sign their children in and out of preschool. Drop off in the mornings is between 9:00-9:15am and pick up is between 2:30-3:00pm. If you also have children in K-6, please note that you cannot walk to the K-6 class areas until 2:50pm.
Red gate and green gate will be opened at 2:50pm. Parents/carers of children in Kindergarten and Year 1 will need to pick up their child from the classroom. When waiting outside the room, please refrain from calling out to your child as it will distract them from packing up. All K-6 classes will finish at 3:00pm and students will be dismissed from their classroom at that time (see map). You may organise for older siblings to pick up your Kindergarten and/or Year 1 child from the classroom instead of yourself but let the teacher/s know of this arrangement in advance. YMCA students in Years 2-6 will meet in the quad at 3:00pm, YMCA picking up Kindergarten and Year 1 students from classrooms.
Other things to note:
- Adults are not permitted to use toilets on school grounds, these are for student use only
- Maintain social distancing
- If you need to speak to a teacher, phone the office and leave a message for them to call you
- You will need to check-in at the office if you attend an appointment
We welcome these changes and look forward to seeing families inside school grounds.
Kind regards, Mrs Emily Luzaic
Relieving Principal